Re: How to show blank where no data is, when using =MAX(0, NETWORKDAYS(TODAY(), End@row))
iferror(MAX(0, NETWORKDAYS(TODAY(), End@row)),"")1 · -
Re: Including child rows in filters
@Brian Pitts It should work in other columns. The INDEX basically says, "Make a set of values that is comprised of all of the ANCESTORS for this field. And then the "1" part of the IND…2 · -
Re: Strange Formula Behavior
I have one like this too. A pretty complicated budget sheet that shows errors while editing, and after saving, but which resolves when I refresh. It makes me nervous every time I encounter it. So, no…1 · -
Re: VLOOKUP with multiple criteria
When I have been faced with this problem I create a helper column in both sheets, and concatenate the two fields. In your case, I would call the field DATE DESC and it would be something like DATE@ro…1 · -
Re: Can I show my users if they are logged in when using a form?
@Jeff Reisman Hi Jeff, just commenting on using Firefox for testing with your unlicensed user - you can also use a create a profile in Chrome for that purpose. The new chrome profile won't have your …1 ·